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 Cayman Islands
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Scuba Diving
in the Cayman Islands
It doesn't get much better than this!

(Grand Cayman)    (East End)    (Sister Islands)    (Liveaboards)    (More . . .)

We've divided up the list of current Cayman scuba operations into four separate pages grouped by primary location. Most visitors come to Grand Cayman and most dive on the west side. If you're on Grand Cayman, you might drive out to the East End to dive with operations there and you might fly over to the Sister Islands to dive there.

What's Happening in Cayman?

Please see our new Cayman Diving News page for late breaking dive news.
Also, you might want to check out our View from West Bay page.

Regulations and Associations:

While the CI government does control and regulate some safety aspects of the watersports industry, watersports operators are not required to belong to any association or trade organization. A number of operators are, in fact, independents.

Many watersports operators do, however, for very good and strong reasons, chose to belong to, and support, one of the two local trade organizations:

How to Contact Scuba Operators:

For more information on how to best contact people in Cayman, please refer to our separate section on this topic.

Cayman Scuba Operations:

As always, you may select any one of our Cayman Fast Track options set out below:
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Organizing your way to the Cayman Islands!
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Last update: 02 January 1999
Copyright © 1999 Don Backstrom
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